Monday, May 09, 2005

Let Her Cry...

I woke up yesterday morning, got dressed, reached into my pocket and found a dollar. I don't carry cash on me. I thought about putting the dollar in my billfold, but then something told me not to. Something told me that someone was going to need that dollar.

About an hour later, I exit off the freeway onto Penn. I get stopped at a red light. Standing almost next to me is a homeless man in a Kool 108 shirt. He has a sign, "Homeless, please help." Without hesitation I reach into my pocket, pull out the dollar and roll down my window. He is cautious of me, but finally approaches, grabs the dollar and says, "Thank you ma'am, God bless you." It warmed my heart.

As the morning progresses I see more sadness everywhere, children crying at the thrift store b/c their parents can't afford to buy them toys. I go to another thrift store only to see a woman with downs syndrome out shopping with what appears to be her group home. The woman is crying...and crying...and crying. No one stops to comfort her. They have her sign her check and she goes to wait for them to leave. Only to sit there alone and cry some more. I wanted her to look up at me, I wanted to give her an assuring smile, let her know she is loved, but I didn't get the chance. She just cried and I just can't forget the hurt I felt for her.

The afternoon was the opposite. I biked around the lakes and saw families laughing, children playing, rollerskate man dancing to his own beat. It was great. So, I've been thinking...How powerful is our God. That's a statement, not a question.

I saw a glimpse of the suffering here on earth. God witnesses ALL the suffering, everyday. Yet He never falters, He never backs away, He never even considers turning His head away. Rather he embraces it. He loves the hurting and rejoices with the happy. He carries us when we are too weak to walk and He dances with us when we are strong.

If we allow ourselves to pour our hearts out to Him, to make ourselves vulnerable and to hold back nothing until we no longer see even a glimmer of ourselves, we will no longer see this chaos we call life, but rather look at one another and see Jesus. See Jesus in the pain and see Jesus in the joy.

Lord strip away my barriers. Let me see nothing but You and serve no one but You. Help me to be completely and utterly who You intended for me to be. Nothing more, nothing less.


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