Thursday, May 12, 2005

Love Song.

Reading a book..."The 5 Love Languages for Singles..." Here's why I chose it, rather than the normal "5 Love Languages", it doesn't constrain love to just the boyfriend/girlfriend, man/woman, "typical" love relationship. It challenges to bring love into every aspect of life. Co-workers, friends, family, everywhere...

Whereas I do think Dr. Chapman could have said what he needed to say in about half as many pages, I wanted to share a concept with you that I love of his. Dr. Chapman talks about obsessive love and convenant love. I like what he says about covenant love. Here it is, he says,

"Covenant love is concious love. It is intentional love. It is a
commitment to love no matter what. It requires thought and action."

He goes on to add this,

"Remember, love is an attitude which wishes what is good upon the other person."

Now, I don't think Dr. Chapman has discovered anything revolutionary, I simply think he was just wise enough to write it down. However, I love his idea of covenant love. I think it describes Jesus' love for us perfectly.

So, I was just thinking...How awesome would this world be if we could all posses covenant love? Towards those we know, don't know, like, dislike...I think it would be remarkable. I think people wouldn't know what to do. I think a lot more people would see Jesus. That song, "Just to be with You..." has been in my head for almost 2 days now. I listened to it on my way to work this morning and this line struck me, "And I know that you don't realize, how much I gave you. But I promise, I would do it all again." (Oh yeah, I figured it out...Third Day-Offerings-Love Song.) Convenant love my friends, covenant love.

God, thank you for the gift of love. Thank you for Your example of love. Thank you for Your commitment to loving us. Help us to realize just how loved we truly are. Help us to then share that love with all we encounter.


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