Monday, May 23, 2005

Get together...

The Youngbloods: Lyrics:

I think about this song a lot at work. "C'mon people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together try to love one another right now." Yes, that probably is a run-on sentence and no I don't care that it is.

I'm reading "Come Thirsty" by Max Lucado. Last night as I was reading a verse he used struck me like a ton of bricks. 1 Corinthians 15:10, "But by the grace of God I am what I am." Wow. I am what I am, you are what you are...Let's love that about each other.

Here in my office, people can be caddy. A lot of people hold a lot of grudges and walk around with chips on their shoulders. It's sad really. For awhile I fell into that trap. I'm glad I found my way out. I hate the tension that is here and the way we don't value or appreciate each other. It makes my heart sad.

I look at the world, our society and I see a lot of the same things. We don't value each other for our differences. Instead we feel the need to point those out, to make those a barrier, we use them to divide us rather than to bring us together. My heart is heavy at this thought.

I completely believe in what the Bible teaches. That we need to call each other on things, we need to hold each other accountable, but how far does that go? I once had a friend tell me that I needed to work on changing my voice (it's kind of nasaly I guess). He said I should change it because people who don't like my voice would be turned away from Christianity. Well, you can imagine how well that went over. God gave me this voice and I'm going to use it. "By the grace of God I am what I am." If I would've known that verse at that time, that would have been my reply.

Here's the other part of this that I struggle with. I take EVERYTHING to heart. I have an amazing memory which is both a blessing and a curse. So, when I do something to hurt someone or upset them, I can't forget about it. It eats away at me. When someone gives me constructive criticism, it sticks with me also. I have a skewed image of constructive criticism...Call it friendly advice, holding each other accountable, call it what you want...I don't deal with it well. I assume that it means I am flawed. It means this person has evaluated me and found this flaw. It eats away at my soul.

My friend Shannon pointed out lastnight that I don't deal well with this because I've always felt I had to defend myself. I dated a guy on/off for 4 years who would point out every flaw I had. He would yell at me and more...He just wasn't very nice. He was quick to list my faults and even add in some new ones that he would find as the years went by. I became an enemy of criticism. At college, I was always having to defend my beliefs. So many people there judged me by what I did, rather than by who I am or who I follow. I think it left some scars. How does one get past that? How do I realize that it is through love that I am being confronted and it isn't a bad thing? Well, that's what I'm still working on. I think it's going to take a lot of prayer.

Back to my original thought...How great would it be if--even for one day--all the people in the world would sing this song. We heard no put-downs, no arguements, no hate, no sadness, no anger or rage or judgements....For one day, we see no differences. Instead we hear, "C'mon people now, smile on your brother. Everybody get together, try to love one another right now."

I think it would be amazing.

Dear Jesus, thank you for creating us as individuals. Help me as I go through my day to recognize differences and to embrace them. To love those I meet, those I encounter and those who cross my mind as You would love them. To realize that I am not worthy of the love I receive, yet I am so blessed to receive it and the best I can do with that love is to share it with others. I pray for a softer heart today and everyday. Amen.


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