Thursday, May 19, 2005

Strong Enough

Sheryl Crow: Lyrics:

One of my favorite songs. I sing it to God a lot. Not necessarily to question Him, not to challenge Him either, but more so just to be honest with Him. I think He appreciates my honesty.

There have been several times where I am at my breaking point. Crying out for God to help me. However, there have also been many times where I am broken and doing everything possible to keep God out. I don't like those times so much. I think these lyrics are perfect for describing those times. Except God never needs to lie to me. That's the beauty of it all.

Friends, family, doctors, everyone lie to you...Not necessarily in a bad way, but it happens. Human nature makes us want to be in control. Human nature makes us want to have answers. Human nature makes us "fixers". Human nature needs a makeover.

Greg Boyd spoke at UR awhile back. What I love about Greg Boyd is that he told everyone in that room that it is okay to say, "I don't know." "I don't know, but God does." "I don't know what God has planned, but He is in every situation." "I don't know." Say it out loud, kind of refreshing and releasing isn't it?

Our intense desire to want to support and care for those we love, makes this a very difficult thing for us to do. It makes us take a step into the realm of the unknown, unpredictable and perhaps even the realm of chaos. It makes us do two of the most difficult things for humans...Believe and Trust.

We must believe that He is capable of being strong enough and powerful enough to rip us out of the driver seat and say, "Let me show you how it's done." We must believe that God is bigger than any image, any idea, any notion of what we have thought Him to be until this point. We must believe the unbelievable.

Second we have to trust. Oooh, now this is very difficult for many of us. It is saying, "Okay God, you're in the driver's seat," but then not wearing your seatbelt, turning on the airbag or using the windshield wipers. It is a blind and scary commitment to let Him lead you wherever He sees fit. Not a "God, I really want to do this...." Not a "God, I'd serve you better if..." Not a "God, I think I should..." NO. It is a "Lord, lead me." A walk out on the water-there's no turning back now-I can't believe I'm doing this--"I TRUST YOU GOD."

See that?...You didn't sink into the depths of the deep blue...You are tiptoeing across that beautiful blue water with your Savior right next to you. He's not in front or behind...Right next to you, holding your hand. Granted, He's probably chuckling at the fact that you are walking on your tiptoes, but He's got you nonetheless.

This belief and trust thing...It's not easy for us to grasp as humans, but it's great once we do. We'll never perfect it, we'll stumble, we'll backtrack, sometimes we may even fall down...But He'll be there. Just like He always has been. He will never lie to us.

This topic/thought is on my heart for a reason. I have to go to the doctor today. I hate going to the doctor...Well at least this doctor. I won't go into detail, but I have to have some tests done and I get a bit scared about it. I thought I was going to have to go alone, well I still am, but now my "brotherly type", Dover, is going to be in the area, so I'm meeting him afterwards. Which gives me a sense of relief and shows how cool God is that Dover was by chance going to be in that area.

I just hate how doctors and everyone else feel like they need to tell you what is going to happen. They need to have an answer, then 2 months down the road, oops! it was the wrong answer. I've had you on the wrong medicine. "No worries though Miss Babcock, we've got the right stuff this time. You'll be feeling better in no time." Yeah right. Number one, don't be afraid to tell me that my body is a freak and you don't have the exact answer, I'd prefer that over the wrong one. Number two, don't make promises you can't keep. You don't know if I'll feel better, so just say, "I hope you will..." Geez, we humans are complex. I wonder when we will all start thinking like Greg Boyd, I hope it is soon. At any rate, I would appreciate any and all prayers...My apt. is at 10:00 AM and as much as I do trust God...I still hate the doctor. I mean she's a nice lady, I just don't really feel like she's someone I'd like to spend my time with. Have a great day folks!


Blogger Laura Ibsen said...

I hope everything goes ok - I'll pray that it will. By the way - I really like your blog! You're a very gifted blog-writer.

5/19/2005 11:30:00 AM  

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